Hitting the Gym and Got Acne?

Someone once told me that summer bodies are made in the winter, but if you're frantically hitting the gym to shed that last minute winter weight, you may be experiencing some unwanted “bacne.” Having blemishes on your toned back is not a cute look, so here are some tips to help.

  • Prevent bacteria from getting on your skin by wearing freshly washed gym clothes and wiping down machines and equipment before getting your pump on.

  • Working out with non-breathable clothing (i.e. synthetic, tight knit polyesters) traps bacteria and oil in your pores, increasing the risk of acne formation.

  • Get all that sweat gunk off your back ASAP. Either shower immediately or wipe off with a moist cloth, preferably one with salicylic acid in it (Stridex or Clearasil pads work beautifully). Change into a loose cotton top - again, tight sports bras trap in all the things that makes acne.

    Acne is pretty much inevitable if you are hitting the gym hard, but these measures will help keep your look as flawless as possible!

AcneAegean Chan