Be gentle to your skin!

I get it. The urge to scrub the blemishes off your face and reveal the flawless glowing skin you deserve is real. BUT your skin is a glorious and complex organ and getting clear skin is not as simple as cleaning a crusty pan with a brillo pad. An effective acne regimen takes a few weeks to start being effective and good things come to those who wait. This is especially true for tretinoin, which needs time to reprogram your skin cells to not clog up your pores and give you that clear complexion. Any physical trauma to the skin, including picking and harsh scrubs (throw away that St. Ives, please), can leave you with scars and dark marks that are tough to get rid of. This is something I harp on to all my new acne patients, since it is counter-intuitive. Stick to the chemical exfoliants and be patient! Over the next few posts, I’m going to highlight a few of my favorite acne fighting ingredients, including some key chemical exfoliants, so stay tuned.

AcneAegean Chan